Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion develops, produces and sells films that are primarily concerned with aspects of cross culture, politics and society: feature and documentary films that have the meeting of various cultures as their theme. Dschoint Ventschr works consistently on the continuing development of a modern cinematic pictorial language and utilises the creative possibilities of new technologies.
Since 1994, they have produced more than 100 dedicated long documentary and cinema feature films – mostly international co-productions with Germany, France, Austria, England, Canada.
Dschoint Ventschr focuses on working with young authors and has made a name for itself as a «talent pool» in Switzerland. Anja Kofmel’s debut film, the anima-doc «Chris the Swiss», was shown in Cannes in 2018 as part of the Semaine de la Critique. The short film «Facing Mecca» by Jan-Eric Mack was presented with the Student Academy Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2017 and made it to the shortlist of the 90th Academy Awards 2018. A year earlier, Marc Wilkins short film «Bon Voyage» was in the race for the Academy Awards and the German coproduction «Satte Farben vor Schwarz (Colours in the Dark)» by Sophie Heldman was presented in the international competition of the San Sebastian Film Festival in 2010.
Many of the films produced have won awards, including «DORA or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents» and «Nachbeben (Going Private)» by Stina Werenfels, «Das Fräulein» by Andrea Staka (winner of the Pardo D‘Oro in Locarno 2006), «Snow White» by Samir, «Strähl» by Manuel Flurin Hendry and «Miel et Cendres» by Nadia Fares; the documentary films «Iraqi Odyssey» and «Forget Baghdad» by Samir, «Verliebte Feinde (Enemies in Love)», «Noel Field - Der erfundene Spion (The Fictious Spy)» and «Von Werra» by Werner Swiss Schweizer, «Gambit» by Sabine Gisiger and many more.
Dschoint Ventschr is, besides the two author-directors and producers Samir (responsible for documentary and feature film projects) and Werner Schweizer (responsible for documentary film projects) and producer Karin Koch (responsible for documentary and feature film projects), Levin Vieth (Junior Producer), Sophie Stirnemann (production assistant), Anaïs Bourgogne (production assistant), and two interns.