"Ludwig Hohl, a film in fragments" was restored and digitized in 2013 by the Swiss Film Archive and has since been available in cinemas and via DVD box set. It is now also available on our VOD channel.
In 1982, Alexander Seiler published "Ludwig Hohl, a film in fragments and four texts" in his own publishing house Edition Zyklop Film AG, which contains not only the transcript of the film, but also numerous photos (from film projection) by Pio Corradi, who was the DOP on the film. This publication and conversations with Ludwig Hohl can be found at the SLA (Swiss Literary Archives) in Bern, where Alexander Seiler's estate as an author and journalist is located, while his cinematic oeuvre is archived at the Cinémathèque Suisse.
The SLA houses the rich estate of the writer Ludwig Hohl. Issue 36/2013 of "Quarto, Journal of the Swiss Literary Archives," entitled "Ludwig Hohl," featured as a prelude a text by Alexander J. Seiler, "Conversations with Ludwig Hohl (Geneva, July 21-23, 1978). A Reverberation in Fragments," from which we quote here:
"... Thus, in July 1978 - accompanied by my life and work partner June Kovach and our colleague Friedrich Kappeler - I arrived at Hohl's house not as an emissary of a television station, but as an old acquaintance, and the questions I asked him were not in the name of a curious public, but as a continuation of a conversation that had long since begun. (...) I let his speech run as freely as possible through detours, digressions and ellipses and limited myself, as it were, to punctuating them. (...)"
At Dschoint Ventschr, the DVD edition «Alexander J. Seiler. Twelve Films. A Selection. With a workshop discussion» can be ordered via email to office@dvfilm.ch.
For more information on the life and work of the writer Ludwig Hohl, please refer to the new website of the Ludwig Hohl Foundation: https://ludwighohl.ch/cms/
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