by David Sieveking
Who are these people who, individually or as part of a movement, accept legal consequences and great risks for their imaginative political engagement? The majority and the state react to resistance with rejection and criminalisation, but illegal protest can be legitimate and necessary in a democracy in order to bring about important social change. The film places contemporary protest, which primarily revolves around climate justice, in the history of civil resistance and poses the question of the success of political activism: where would we be today if courageous people had not taken to the streets to improve the world?
In several storylines, HIGH NOON tells astonishing David-versus-Goliath stories whose protagonists take on their overpowering opponents with witty humour and self-irony despite their serious concerns.
Year: 2021
Country: DE, CH
Running Time: 90 Min.
Director: David Sieveking
Producer: Sereina Gabathuler, Martin Heisler
Camera: Philipp Künzli
Editor: Catrin Vogt
Sound: Reto Stamm
Music: Jessica de Rooij, Wolf de Rooij