by Esther van Messel
Binjamin, the only child of his family to have survived Auschwitz, was adopted by a couple in Switzerland, where with a new name and the advice to forget his past, Benjamin grows to manhood. Some 50 years later an Orthodox Jew who lives in Israel arrives on the scene to say that he believes he might be Binjamins father. Based on the book Bruchstücke (Fragments) by Binjamin Wilkomirski. Daniel Ganzfrieds research led to the conclusion that Wilkomirskis biography was forged. Dschoint Ventschr therefore produced Our Jew by Daniel Wildmann as an exposé. Fremd Geboren can only be borrowed along with Our Jew.
Year: 1997
Country: CH
Running Time: 60 Min.
Director: Esther van Messel
Author: Esther van Messel
Producer: Dschoint Ventschr
Camera: Pierre Mennel
Editor: Kathrin Plüss
Sound: Christine Geissmann
Music: David Hönigbsberg
Production Manager: Karin Koch
Cast: Bjniamin Wilkomirski
Festivals Festival International du Film de Femmes Créteil, 1998
Festival of Jewish Cinema Melbourne, 1998
Solothurner Filmtage 1997