by Alexander J Seiler
Until shortly before his death, Ludwig Hohl, who was born in Netstal near Glarus in 1904 and died in Geneva on 3 November 1980, was an outsider, at best an insider tip of Swiss literature - although more famous colleagues such as Frisch and Dürrenmatt ("Hohl ist notwendig, wir sind zufällig", "Hohl is necessary, we are coincidental") had been referring to him again and again for decades. It was only with the publication of the story "Bergfahrt" (1975) and the award of the Robert Walser Zentenar Prize and the Petrarca Prize that Hohl became known as a prose author of European standing.
The film by Alexander J. Seiler is the result of a long-standing friendship between the film author and the writer. Filmed mainly in the summer of 1979 in Hohl's apartment in Geneva, it shows the most important stages in Hohl's biography with the most economical means - and lets Hohl speak for himself by the way.
This film is included on the DVD edition Alexander J. Seiler.
The DVD box can be ordered via We are also happy to help with inquiries regarding screenings.
Year: 1982
Country: Schweiz
Running Time: 72 Min.
Director: Alexander J Seiler
Author: Alexander J Seiler
Producer: Alexander J Seiler
Camera: Pio Corradi
Editor: Alexander J Seiler
Sound: Luc Yersin
Cast: Sigfrit Steiner, Alice Brüngger , Bruno Schärer