by Sabine Gisiger
The venturesome story of a Lebanese-Swiss music project in search of nuances during a time of general cultural dispute between the Orient and Occident. The film also tells the moving account of the man who initiated the project: Mahmoud Turkmani, who grew up in Halba in the north of Lebanon, studied music in the Soviet Union, and now lives in the canton of Bern. Mahmoud Turkmani works together with the Bernese video artist Michael Spahr and classical musicians from Egypt and Lebanon, alluding to the musical, political and religious dogmas in the Arab world - with sounds and calligraphic images of poignant beauty.
Year: 2008
Country: CH
Running Time: 70 Min.
Director: Sabine Gisiger
Author: Sabine Gisiger
Producer: Karin Koch
Executive Producer: Karin Koch
Co-Producer: SF, Thomas Beck
Camera: Helena Vagnières, Reinhard Köcher
Editor: Barbara Weber
Sound: Andreas Litmanowitsch
Production Manager: Claudia Eichholzer
Awards Nomination II Ahmed Attia's Award for the Dialogue of Cultures, Medimed 2008
Best Portrait, Montreal Film Festival on Art 2010
Festivals BAKAFORUM Karlsruhe, 2008
Pitching Medimed, 2008,
Ahmed Attia Preis
44. Solothurner Filmtage, 2009
Film Festival on Art Montreal, 2010
Doc Fest Roma, 2010
Arabisches Filmfestival Tübingen, 2011