Giorgio lives with his family, modestly but happily, in a mountain village in the Swiss canton of Ticino. But then his mother has an accident and his father doesn't know how he can afford the doctor's fees. In absolute desperation he decides to sell 14-year-old Giorgio to the «man with the scar,» who takes him to Milan with other boys where they all have to work as chimney sweeps. At least Giorgio is not alone ? Alfred shares the same fate as him and keeps up his spirits.
There is no time for Giorgio to marvel at the big city. After only just arriving he is sold to Battista. Giorgio is lucky because the master chimney sweep, who is as fat as he is amiable, treats him well. But his wife and son take every opportunity to make Giorgio's life difficult. The work is hard: day after day Giorgio has to climb up inside hot chimneys to remove the soot. And lurking on the streets are the ?Wolves?, a gang that takes every opportunity to bully the chimney sweep boys. The only light in Giorgio's life is Battista's beautiful daughter Angeletta.
But then Giorgio meets Alfredo again who has formed the «Black Brothers» gang, which accepts Giorgio as a member. The group swears to help one another; together they fight against all hostile forces, against injustice, against the «Wolves» ? and plan to escape back to Ticino?
Based on the classic book for young adults, «The Black Brothers» (Die schwarzen Brüder) by Kurt Held and Lisa Tetzner.
Schülerfilmpreis Filmfest Lünen 2013
Publikumspreis des Juniorfest Pilsen 2013
Deutsches Kinder-Medien-Festival Goldener Spatz, Sonderpreis für Regie der Thüringer Staatskanzlei 2014, Goldener Spatz für besten Kino-/Fernsehfilm 2014
Kiev International Film Festival Molodist, Winner Molodist For Kids Competition 2014
Prix Walo - Beste Filmproduktion 2014
Zurich Film Festival 2013
18. Schlingel - Internationales Filmfestival für Kinder und junges Publikum, 2013
26. Castellinaria Festival internazionale del cinema giovane Bellinzona, 2013
Hamburg Film Festival 2013
Rio de Janeiro Film Festival 2013
Juniorfest Pilsen 2013
Filmfest Lünen 2013
Solothurner Filmtag 2014
4th Beijing International Film Festival, 2014
25. Internationales Filmfest Emden, 2014
Goldener Spatz Deutsches Kinder-Medien-Festival Gera/Erfurt, 2014
17. Shanghai International Film Festival, 2014
10. Festival des deutschen Films, 2014
32. Kinder Filmfest Münster, 2014
44. Kyiv International Film Festival Molodist, 2014
1. DACHLI_FEST, 2019
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