by Benjamin Kempf
Erika and Rudi have been married for years. Today they both want to take their own lives. Erika has cancer and wants to die with dignity before intense physical suffering sets in. Rudi, on the other hand, does not want to live without Erika. The two have been living together for so long that they both wish to end it together, too.
Everything has been prepared. The suicide doctor taking care of the double suicide is sat ready with the ordered poison. Friends and family have been informed of the decision. Wills have been written, the apartment cleaned, the bed made, fitting music put on but at the last moment, Rudi gets second thoughts about the whole idea ...
Year: 2002
Country: CH
Running Time: 10 Min.
Director: Benjamin Kempf
Author: Jann Preuss
Producer: Dschoint Ventschr
Executive Producer: Valentin Greutert
Co-Producer: SF DRS
Camera: Marco Barberi
Editor: Anja Siemens
Sound: Matteo de Pellegrini
Hugo Poletti
Music: Alex Kirschner
Gaffer: Christoph Eser
Make-up: Conny Sacchi
Set Designer: Carmen DAppollonio
Production Manager: Valentin Greutert
Cast: Stephanie Glaser als Erika, Walo Lüond als Ruedi, Alice Brüngger als Fr. Schmid
Awards Förderpreis , Hanna Nordholt & Fritz Steingrobe WDR
Coup de coeur (Publikumspreis), Cinéma tout Ecran 2003
Luna de Valencia de Oro (1st Prize), Cinema Jove International Film Festival Valencia 2003
Prémio Melhor Curta Metragem (Best Short Film Prize), for the humble and sensitive conception and accomplished execution of a controversial subject, IMAGO international Young Film and Video Festival Fundão 2004
Festivals Locarno International Film Festival, 2002
Winterthurer Kurzfilmtage, 2002
Augsburger Kurzfilmwochenende, 2002
Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, 2002
Festival Tous Ecrans Genève, 2002
Solothurner Filmtage, 2003
Kurzfilmtage Bamberg, 2003
Dresden Filmfest, 2003, Blickpunkt Schweiz
Swiss Peaks New York, 2003
Brooklyn International Film Festival New York, 2003
Tribeca Film Festival New York, 2003
Cinema Jove Film Festival Valencia, 2003
Filmfestival Münster, 2003
Short Cuts Köln, 2003
Motovun Film Festival Zagreb, 2003
International Film Festival Tirana, 2003
Asian Film Centres in Colombo, 2003, Swiss Films Season
Festival du Film Court Lille, 2004
Festival International du Film Charleville.Méziéres, 2004
Imago Film Fest Fundao, 2004
International Film Festival Calgary, 2005