by Sarah Derendinger
Uta finds a man. One fine evening she takes him back to her apartment. She likes him; she wants to get to know him. After the initial nervousness passes, the ice melts thanks to wine, potato chips and talk, and the two grow closer. However, Hans has one decisive disadvantage. He's dead.
What only becomes apparent to viewers at the end of the film is clear to Uta from the start. But that doesn't bother her. Hardly has she casually draped his body onto the armchair, she is then prepared to generously overlook his lifelessness, keeps up the conversation on her own and invents his life story and his character to suit her own preferences. She creates her creature, her ideal partner per se.
Only later, over the course of the date, is it revealed that Uta's encounter with Hans wasn't that random. The two had had a relationship. A relationship that had long since gone to sleep and was stuck at such an impasse that a new beginning under normal circumstances was no longer conceivable.
"Heartpouch" is the story of a long dead relationship that is given new life through fatal intervention.
Year: 2010
Country: CH
Running Time: 11 Min.
Director: Sarah Derendinger
Author: Stefanie Grob, Sarah Derendinger
Producer: Tunje Berns
Camera: Aladin Hasic
Editor: Ruth Schläpfer
Sound: Balthasar Jucker
Music: Kummer Buben
Gaffer: Dzigit Sulejmanagic
Make-up: Tanja Koller
Set Designer: Isabel Robson, Rebecca Naldi
Cast: Sascha Rau, Michael Neuenschwander
Festivals Solothurner Filmtage, 2010
Basler Filmpreis, 2010
Corto Helvetico al Femminile, 2010
International Fantastic Film Festival Neuchâtel, 2010