1 We process personal data (data that directly or indirectly identifies natural persons) that we receive from you or involved third parties in the context of the employment relationship or that we collect ourselves. Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion AG, Molkenstrasse 21, 8004 Zurich («Production Company») is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this data protection declaration.
2 You provide us with some of the personal data yourself when you or a third party contact us in writing, by email or by phone to apply for a job or to enquire about working with us. This includes, for example, your name and contact details, as well as information about your professional background. You also provide us with personal data as part of your employment relationship (e.g. name, contact details, date of birth, salary details and social security data, information about physical characteristics, information about previous employment and work experience, family circumstances or state of health). We also process personal data that we receive in our correspondence with third parties (e.g. authorities, associations, funding institutions, television or other contact persons) in the context of the employment relationship. In addition, we collect some personal data ourselves, e.g. from public registers or websites.
3 We process the types of personal data mentioned primarily in the exercise of our rights and obligations under the employment contract, for documentation and billing purposes. We also process your name in the film credits and, where applicable, for marketing purposes, to provide information about the release or broadcast of the film production, events, news and products.
4 To achieve the purposes described in this data protection declaration, it may be necessary for us to pass on personal data to the following categories of recipients: authorities, SRG and its corporate units, funding institutions, funds and foundations, associations, streaming service providers, co-production and business partners.
5 In principle, we process personal data in our area of responsibility in Switzerland. However, we may transfer personal data to recipients abroad (e.g. authorities, co-production and business partners, funding agencies, production company branches) that do not guarantee a level of data protection comparable to Swiss law.
6 We only store personal data for as long as is necessary to carry out the employment relationship, for as long as there is a legal obligation to store and document it, or for as long as we have an overriding private or public interest in doing so. We take reasonable and appropriate precautions to protect personal data from loss, unauthorised alteration or unauthorised access by third parties.
7 We would like to point out that we use external IT service providers and cloud providers with servers in Switzerland or abroad as part of the employment relationship. We also use certain IT services and means of communication that may be associated with data security risks (e.g. e-mail, applications, video conferencing).
8 We have a legitimate interest in processing personal data for the purposes mentioned. Some processing is also necessary for us to fulfil our contractual obligations to you or our legal obligations (e.g. retention obligations).
9 Data subjects have the right to request information about the personal data stored about them and the purpose of the data processing, the right to correct and delete their personal data or restrict the processing of their personal data, the right to object to the processing, the right to seek a legal remedy from a competent supervisory authority and the right to data transmission/portability. However, please note that these rights are subject to conditions and exceptions. Where legally permissible or required, we may reject requests to exercise these rights. For example, we may or must store the personal data for legal reasons or continue to process it in some other way despite a request to delete the personal data or restrict its processing.
10 This data protection declaration is in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG). Your consent to the data protection declaration is not necessary. The data protection declaration merely provides information about the type, scope and purpose of the use of personal data by the production company. We reserve the right to change the content of the aforementioned data protection declaration at any time and without notice.
11 If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights as a data subject, please contact us at office@dvfilm.ch or write to Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion AG, Molkenstrasse 21, 8004 Zurich.
DSCHOINT VENTSCHR FILMPRODUKTION AG, Molkenstrasse 21, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland | Tel +41 44 456 30 20 | Fax +41 44 456 30 25 | office@dschointventschr.ch
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